Sunday, October 11, 2020

I am just another victim of the giant racket... COVID-19

Wonder what this blog post is all about? It's none other than the COVID-19 / The Novel CoronaVirus.

What is it all about?

Many would have written blogs / created vlogs about nCov, and this is not just another one. It's the tendency of the people to just scan/skip through the blogs and read only what they are interested to view. Even this blog would just go unnoticed.

To start with, I am one of the victims of this nCov. Still wondering from where and how I got this, though I have a doubt that I got it from an eye hospital (went at a wrong time during the pandemic for my dad's cataract operation).

So, what am I intended to write in this post - nCov is just another virus, nothing more than that. Myths & Hypes are there to make it look like a terrific one, but it's not actually as it is projected.

Topics covered:

So what topics are covered in this - Covid Symptoms, Precautions, Jargons, Tests, Medications, Hospitalization, Immunity, Natural cure. Don't try to deep dive into any of these and unnecessarily confuse your mind. Keep it simple with what has to be known to just understand what it is.

Before we go into these topics, I just wanted to convey that these are just my points of view. It is upto the people to read and understand it fully and act accordingly and not to blindly agree/disagree.


It is nothing new to tell here, just type "Symptoms of Covid", you will get tons of pages. As mentioned earlier, it is just another virus. So nothing to panic about the symptoms. More over, not everyone gets the same symptoms and with same duration. It all depends on the individuals and their immunity levels and how the body reacts to the virus and fight against it to eliminate it.

Common symptoms could be one or few of these - fever, headache, loss of smell/taste, weakness, vomiting & loose stools. But if the body's immunity is strong, then the person would not be showing any symptom at all. Just watch out of these symptoms just like how we get common cold/viral fever.


How many of us have taken precautions to get rid of a viral fever that lasts for few days? I am not sure about western countries where they take flu shots with or without knowledge of what / how that would impact in our body. Having said that, doesn't mean we should not be precautious. Just know the basics of how this virus spreads. Wearing masks, keeping our hands sanitized, maintaining social distancing cannot guarantee us free from Covid, though it can prevent it to some extent only.

If you are out in the crowd, make sure you follow the above, but when you are traveling alone and sure that you are not in close proximity with others, then no need to follow this protocol. The survival rate of this virus is very much limited and is not airborne.

The only way to end this pandemic is, the person who got affected should avoid going in public during the period of infection and must wear a proper N95 mask to avoid spreading while sneezing/coughing. But the question is what if he/she is asymptomatic?


CT-Score, CRP, Ferritin, IL-6, D-Dimer, LDH, SGOT, SGPT, ESR, SpO2 level - how many of us have heard about these medical jargons in blood test before? Why suddenly all these are being noted? Most of these tell the infection level in the blood.


Even for a normal viral fever, the above blood tests / CT Scan (if taken) will show some abnormalities. But we have never taken / heard of these tests before for a viral fever right? Why now then? Don't take these tests unnecessarily and even if taken, don't bother about all these abnormalities. All these mean that your body is working fine and fighting against the virus/infections and excreting it through liver/kidneys.


Multivitamin, Vitamin-C, Zinc, anti-biotics/anti-viral, blood thinner (anti-coagulant), acidity regulators, steroids, sugar controllers - oh man... How much would our body withstand with these medications? Are all these really required for our body to recover from this? The answer is slightly yes, but on a very low scale - it depends on case to case basis.

It is said that this virus has the capability to make the blood clot quickly which might cause cardiac arrest among the patients. So doctors advice patients to have blood thinner/anti-coagulant to avoid that state. But people take antibiotics and other tablets on their own  just by the symptoms and without prescriptions and without knowing their individual inflammatory conditions - all due to panicking.

All these medications when taken in excess will lead to unnecessary side effects.


It is one of the biggest scams I can say. This nCov does not require hospitalization - atleast for most of us, as body will fight and take care of itself, if we give our body the required food and rest.

When I was diagnosed Covid positive, my blood test report (see all the jargons) showed well within the range, except WBC. But I was advised by the doctor to get me admitted due to the low level of WBC. But I requested for home quarantine (HQ), which they agreed for by getting a letter of consent from me that they would not be responsible if anything happens to me during my HQ (they portray and scare us by doing that).

I was in my Home Quarantine for 14 days with no issues at all except  for some breathing difficulty which later found to be due to due to acidity (since I was having strong dosage of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor).

By 14th day, I was not able to breathe properly. Many things went on my mind that I will die off covid etc. Since I was scared, I took blood test and got to see most of the scores were high. I went to hospital and showed the blood test report and they asked me to get admitted. I was given the same antibiotic which I was taking for first few days of my HQ. Nothing other than that and I was discharged in 3 days.

Here comes the funny part. When I got admitted, doctor told me that the markers (same jargons) are high and I have to be monitored and hence need to be admitted. On the day of discharge (3 days later), they took the test again to check on the marker levels. To my shocking surprise, the readings were higher than it was when I got admitted. The same doctor told me not to worry inspite of markers being high as I am already on the 18th day since the symptom started.  He told me that these markers will show high on numbers when the infection is being handled by the organs and excreted. It means the organs are doing it's job perfectly by eliminating the wastes. My point is why didn't they tell me the same during the admission when the marker levels were way less compared to the latest score?

In short, during my hospitalization, they just monitored my SpO2, BP levels and nothing more than that and I was on the same medications  as I was having during my initial HQ period (though the medicine name changed). The truth is, there is no treatment for Covid, they just give medication for the symptoms.

Does that mean nobody should go to hospital for Covid? Not exactly. It all depends on what symptoms we show/how bad the infection has spread and the immunity level of each individual.

Immunity / Natural Cure:

Here comes the main part of this post.

There are lot of things to share under this heading...

Please come and check this area after a day...

Some Covid Facts

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